In an interview with the BBC, Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz had some words of advice for those simplistic up-and-comers at Google: diversify! That sound you hear? It's everyone on the internet scratching their heads at the same time.
The interview elicited a few weirdly confident remarks from Yahoo's CEO, in which she forecasted trouble for her fellow search engineers:
Google is going to have a problem because Google is only known for search...It is only half our business; it's 99.9% of their business. They've got to find other things to do...Google has to grow a company the size of Yahoo every year to be interesting.
Thankfully, Nick Bilton of the New York Times just recently put together a handy chart that makes comparing the big tech empires easy, and at a glance it shows that Google does indeed have its fingers in as many pies as Yahoo does. They just don't link to all of them on their homepage.
Still, Bartz might be right when she says that Yahoo's expansive portfolio will serve it well in the long run. It's just that it will take some serious reorganization to make it anything more than just "interesting."
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