Now 3D gaming experience has reached India with the launch of Asus G51J 3D Gaming Notebook today, the first of its kind to be officially released in the country. Loaded with Nvidia 3D Vision technology, the laptop comes with 3D Vision™ Kit that includes active-shutter glasses coupled with a wide-range infra-red emitter, to deliver stereoscopic images at full resolution, and is capable of turning almost any game or movie into a 3D experience, anywhere you go. The 3D panel delivers a awsome 1080p HD contrast ratio and 120Hz refresh rate, completing the total experience
The uber cool laptop is available in two models, namely the Asus G51JX-1X110V (with Nvidia GeForce GTX 260M and 4GB DDR3 RAM) and the Asus G51JX-IX206V (with Nvidia GeForce GTX 360M and 8GB DDR3 RAM). Both the Nvidia discrete mobile graphics cards feature 1 GB of GDDR3 video memory. The Asus G51JX-1X110V features a maximum storage space of 360+360GB, while the Asus G51JX-IX206 has a maximum storage capacity of 500GB.
Common specifications for both laptops include: a 15.6-inch HD LED monitor (1366x768 resolution and 60/120Hz refresh rate), a Core i7-720QM processor (1.6GHz with turbo up to 2.8 GHz), 2MP webcam, Blu-ray DVD combo, EAX Advanced HD 4.0 3D audio technology, CMSS surround sound, Altec Lansing speakers, and such accessories as a Razer gaming mouse and a 15” gaming backpack. They weigh approximately 3.3kgs.
The laptops come with Asus' Republic of Gamers (RoG) branding,
and retail with a 2 year global warranty.
Prices start at Rs. 99,000, excluding taxes.
believe me its pretty reasonable if you want to a full 3D experience!!
specially if you are a gamer!
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