In hopes of competing with Craigslist, eBay unveiled today a revamped classifieds site called eBay Classifieds. It will replace the company's old site, Kijiji, which just couldn't keep up with Craigslist in the U.S.
According to The New York Times, Craigslist tallied about 4.5 million visitors in February, while Kijiji had about 2 million visitors. However, Kijiji will remain the same for users in other parts of the globe, where it's more popular. Along with a face lift, which will make it easier to browse, the site has been revamped to better filter ads and seller profiles. It's certainly better looking than the bare bones design of Craigslist -- then again, Craig Newmark's site continues to grow with a look and feel straight out of the '90s. Along with this new site, eBay also plans on releasing two new mobile applications: one app will allow sellers to quickly upload pictures of items to eBay with their mobile devices, and the other is a classifieds app that lets users browse, post and reply to ads on the new site.
Competition like this often leads to a better product -- or in this case, service -- so we're definitely in favor of this move by eBay. Still, it's hard to imagine that aesthetic improvements and a name change (even though it was much needed) will be enough to push eBay Classifieds over Craigslist here in the States. [From: The New York Times and eBay Classifieds]
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