Friday, February 5, 2010

PS 4 and xbox 720 concepts....!

PS 4 and Xbox 720 concept!

These two concept consoles may be floating on your Tv on a futuristic anti-gray shelf quite soon.
The australian brainchildren are the designer of these two consoles, named Tai Chiern, who wanted to do
the way with standard, boxy shape of the consoles.
He said " I'm gamer, so i thought it'd be cool to come up with something interesting for a nextgen console.
i wanted to
design something a little bit out there, incorporating new materials and technology. while it was primarily a
styling exercise. I wanted to ground it in reality. having the touchscreen directly on the ps4 itself
is doable , for example. i think the future of gaming is direct, full game download over the net, playscial discs will
be history, and you'll have hot swappable drives with massive capacity."
The vision applied for playstation 4 consist of touchscreen that
looks like a portal to a new gaming dimension. which is fitting given the games that'll be on offer by the time it
comes out. Xbox 720, meanwhile, puts us in mind of an alien cycling helmet. The consoles are somewhat less than
official, but let's hope the design ideas here make their way to the tech world in the coming years.
quite interesting to see it , living room will be much more interested


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