Saturday, April 24, 2010

Grab your 3D glasses and take a look at the SUN!

In what must surely be the worst (and best) case of reverse, shoehorned acronym (or 'backronym'), NASA has just released the first 3D images of the sun taken by its STEREO (no I'm not making this up) spacecraft.

The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatories -- there are two of them, of course! -- work together to produce 3D imagery that will be used to further understand the structure, processes and machinations of the sun. The 3D photos will also give scientists the ability to better predict when exactly the effects of 'solar ejections' (coronal mass ejections!) will hit the Earth.

NASA has published some still left/right-eye images and also a few 3D movies. To view them you apparently need a 3D projector of some kind -- but it looks like some standard red/blue glasses would probably do the trick. If only I hadn't returned my glasses after watching Avatar... damnit.

Note: The above image is a stereogram! I made it just for you. If you know how to 'magic eye', a rather beautiful 3D sun should pop out!


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